Ensure your business infrastructure and critical systems are protected from malicious activity or unplanned downtime through effective and proven data backup and data recovery solutions.

The level to which your organisation protects itself from a technology disaster is a matter of risk assessment and planned preparedness, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. What impact will downtime have on the survivability of your business in the context of your bottom line, your ability to service your customers and the reputation of your brand? For many Irish organisations that run mission-critical applications, downtime can result in immediate financial losses and a long road to recovery.

worksmart can assist you with effective data recovery strategies to help you mitigate your exposure and establish measurable recovery time objectives, provide a Test Phase engagement in the program and provide a Letter of Test Performance once completed so that you and your entire team can rest assured that you are prepared.

Disaster Recovery from worksmart includes a suite of data protection solutions to backup critical data from your data center to worksmart's top-tier certified data centres.

Let the worksmart team of storage and information management specialists guide you towards the most suitable data backup solution for your business.